The SolarFest Winter Workshop Series
The beautiful 1786 Meeting House (2803 Route 153, Rupert, VT) hosted free virtual SolarFest workshops presented by leading experts offering useful advice on the latest practical, how-to ways to live better, improve comfort and cut costs, all while helping to protect our future.
As heating oil and propane prices continue to skyrocket, now is a good time to learn about the advantages of cold-climate heat pumps.
This panel includes experts in the pros & cons of both ground- and air-source heat pumps, domestic hot water, plus the latest on new technologies.
The basics are no longer basic, as building science includes everything from retrofitting to improve thermal gain & loss, moisture control, indoor air quality, to off-gassing, supply chain carbon footprint, materials recycling and even the gold standard of PHIUS House Alliance. Learn what you can do to affordably make your home more comfortable & healthier.
The clean energy economy promises good-paying jobs in many important fields. Hear from experts about the best new opportunities in finding a job or starting a business, whatever your interest: building science, electric vehicles, heat pump installation, photovoltaic solar energy, wind technology — planning, design, installation, service…
John Dear Book Tour
SolarFest was a sponsor of a presentation by Nobel Peace Prize nominee Fr. John Dear as spoke about the journey leading to his new book: They Will Inherit the Earth: Peace and Nonviolence in a time of Climate Change that Advisory Board member Bill McKibben calls, “A remarkable testimony.”
The event was very well attended on March 20, 2018 at the Grace UCC Church in Rutland, VT, hosted by Board member Steve Berry along with Pastors John and Tracy Weatherhogg.
SolarFest Cycling Team Chautauqua, N.Y. Ride Sept. 16-18
Climate Ride is a community of adventurers dedicated to protecting the planet. Their events bring together bright minds, breathtaking routes for all cycling abilities, and the unforgettable combination of passion and purpose for environmental advocacy, education, and sustainable transportation.
We’re looking to expand our team with this fun weekend with different levels (50 miles, 80 miles, 140 miles) for all kinds of riders. And if you’re not a cyclist, you can register for the non-cycling option and enjoy the weekend exploring Chautauqua.
Contact Team Captain and Trustee Dave Conna ([email protected]) for a simple explanation of how the fundraising works and how you can join the fun.
In 2016 Dave Conna worked with Climate Ride to get SolarFest listed as a beneficiary alongside prestigious organizations such as the Union of Concerned Scientists,, and the Nature Conservancy, to name a few.
In September 2017, Catherine Bock joined Dave in launching the debut SolarFest Climate Ride Team at the Virginia’s Blue Ridge Mountains to Washington DC Climate Ride.
It was a stunning beautiful 3-day ride covering 208 miles through one the most acclaimed cycling routes in the world, with highlights including the Blue Ridge Parkway, Shenandoah National Park, the Old Dominion Trail, and the National Mall. Plus, they raised over $4,000 for SolarFest!
Whether you are a veteran rider, or have never done an overnight trip, Climate Rides are a lot of fun. If you or someone you know would like to consider joining the SolarFest Team, please email Dave at [email protected]
Energy $avings Day
@ SVAC in Manchester, VT
There are so many advances and policy changes impacting conservation and renewable energy that people need help to keep up. This showcase of leading experts and helpful presentations focused on practical, how-to information to help cut electric, heating, and cooling costs with the latest in energy conservation and renewable power ideas for homes and business. Discussions with skilled practitioners about slashing energy costs and reducing carbon surrounded by student artwork from 22 schools for a wonderful synergy of energy and art.
- Keynote Presentation: Zero Energy Now Program
Building Performance Professionals Association (BPPA) - Conservation Panel Discussion with Q&A
Energy savings planning, design, lighting, finance & operations - Renewable Power Discussion with Q&A
Solar PV, thermal, storage, and community solar
How to Let Go of the World and Love All the Things Climate Can’t Change
On Friday November 4, 2016, SolarFest hosted a screening and discussion of the latest film from Oscar Nominated director Josh Fox in the beautiful Arkell Pavilion at the Southern Vermont Arts Center in Manchester (See trailer here).
Climate change may be the greatest threat our world has ever known. How to Let Go of the World and Love all the Things Climate Can’t Change was shot in 12 countries on six continents, the movie asks what is it that climate change can’t destroy? What is so deep within us that no calamity can take it away?
Doors opened at 6:00 pm, with refreshments provided by local sponsors. A moderated discussion of climate change began at 6:30 sharp, with the 2-hour film beginning at 7:00 pm.