7.17.2016 SolarFest: a prayer to the sun
7.7.2016 SolarFest bursts onto Southern Vermont Arts Center
7.13.2016 Speaking of the sun, SolarFest 2016!
7.5.2016 Renewable energy and music festival comes to Southern Vermont Arts Center
1.6.2016 Solarfest Obtains Provisional Permit From Village Officials
7.14.2016 The environmentally driven event known as SolarFest…
8.1.2015 The Sun Sets on 20-year-old SolarFest
6.27.2016 SolarFest at a New Venue: the Southern Vermont Arts Center
4.15.2016 A Beloved Feature of SolarFest Branches Out to Summer Camp
1.8.2016 SolarFest on Track to Move to Manchester (reprint)